Welcome to my adventures in the world of beer

2024 Dutch cup of beer sommeliers runner-up and ready to go to the World cup in 2025!

Like every person born in the 60s, 70s and 80s in the Netherlands I grew up in the beer wastelands. It was a time where pils was synonym to beer. Needless to say I didn’t begin my alcoholic adventures with beer, but I got there eventually and I even decided to study beer. Now I’m an international biersommelier and the runner-up of the Dutch Cup of 2024! Which means I will be going to the World Cup in 2025. You can read more about me here.

I love to organise beer talks, beer walks, beer games and other beer activities in Dutch (Nederlands) and English and I could organise something for you as well.

I also love to travel around for beer and research the subject more. Even though the blog part of this page is mostly on hold for now, you can still find previous adventures in my blog. And only the blog part is on hold, I am still active with all kind of beer related activities.

I’m from Eindhoven, so of course there’s a dedicated page to Eindhoven.

Want to know more? Click on the subject of your interest in the menu above.


2025 February 3rd

Last weekend I traveled with several colleagues to the Zenne Valley for a Lambic Academy session at Boon brewery with Luc de Raedemaeker and Sep Roggeman followed by a brewery tour with Jos Boon as our tour guide. Thank you for this very interesting and inspiring day in a gorgeous brewery!

2025 January 10th

Cheers to the new year!

2024 November 24th

I finished second in the Dutch Cup of Beer Sommeliers! I am going to the World Cup next year!

2024 October 29th

I had a great time judging in the preliminaries of the Brussels Beer Challenge, together with so many lovely people. Thank you for inviting me again this year! And good luck and have fun to everyone next week in Ghent! Cheers!

You can find more short updates over here: 
News and Short updates

Latest blog posts

  • Lambic Academy, Zenne Valley and Brussels
    Not as long and extensive as my usual blog posts and a bit too staccato and all over the place, but it became too long for the News section, so blog post it is.
  • 2024 Dutch Cup of Beer Sommeliers Runner-up!
    Very much to my surprise, I made it to the finale yesterday in the Dutch Cup of Beer Sommeliers. And it didn’t stop there, because after one scary, but exciting, crazy and fun finale I came in second!
  • Dutch Cup of Beer Sommeliers 2023
    Monday morning, the fourth of July. Nineteen beer sommeliers are ready to compete against each other in the third Dutch Cup of Beer Sommeliers.
  • Women’s International Trophy
    Last week I was one of the lucky few to be selected for the Women’s International Trophy! So we travelled to Mainz to judge some beers and explore the city.