25th Schneider Weisse Fanclubtreffen

25th Schneider Weisse Fanclubtreffen

Last weekend it finally happened: The 25th Schneider Weisse Fanclubtreffen! Expect no story and a lot of pictures!

Historical brewing and the preHistorisch Dorp; part 1

Historical brewing and the preHistorisch Dorp; part 1

As some of you might know I am a volunteer at the local history museum. preHistorisch Dorp Eindhoven once started as an archeological experiment, building a house based on archeological research in a probable historical way.



I’ve been to Düsseldorf several times and no doubt I will visit the city again in the future. It’s one of my most favorite beer cities!

Schneider Weisse fanclubtreffen

Schneider Weisse fanclubtreffen

The interesting part about Schneider is that they hold their fans in special regard. They even have fanclubs all over the world which they support and every year there’s a fanclubtreffen. This year the treffen was in Eindhoven.

German beer customs and quirkiness

German beer customs and quirkiness

It’s fascinating to see that Germany has a very extensive beer culture with a whole set of customs, behaviours and rituals. For tourists it might be confusing, as waiters/waitresses will seem quite curtly a lot of the time, until you adhere to the customs or are in any other way found okay, then nothing is too much.