This autumn you could get something very special: a La Chouffe edition of the popular board game 30 Seconds!
Tag: board game

Board Game: The Dragon & Flagon
I have a library full of games. Naturally I have several games about beer and once in a post I’d like to tell more about one of them. This time it’s time for:
The Dragon & Flagon.

Board Game: Homebrewers
I have a library full of games. Naturally I have several games about beer and once in a post I’d like to tell more about one of them. This time it’s time for: Homebrewers!

Board game: Biergarten
Biergarten is a tableau building/tile laying game, a bit like Alhambra or Carcassonne. You place cards in front of you, making your own beer garden.

Board game: The Taverns of Tiefenthal
I have a library full of games. Naturally I have several games about beer and once in a post I’d like to tell more about one of them. This time it’s time for:

Board game: Het geheim van Grimbergen (The secret of Grimbergen)
Because of the Social Distancing I decided to review several board games this period. This time it’s time for an IP game: Het geheim van Grimbergen

Board Game: Heaven and Ale
Because of the Social Distancing I decided to review several board games this period, this time it’s Heaven & Ale

Board game: Stier zoekt Bier
I have a library full of games. At its height it contained almost 500 different ones, these days I brought it back to 225 games: This time it’s time for a Dutch game: Stier zoekt Bier

Board Game: Dice Brewing
I have a library full of games. This time it’s time for another bigger game: Dice Brewing.