At New Year’s Eve, Xhanika and I brewed a beer. But at the end of such a day, you are still far from having an actual drinkable beer. There were still two steps to come: Bottling and lagering. So two weeks later I had to take out all the cleaning equipment again.
Tag: brewing

Historical brewing and the preHistorisch Dorp; part 2
In July 2021 Monique, Frank and I experimented with medieval brewery in our beloved museum preHistorisch Dorp Eindhoven. The goal was not to brew a drinkable beer (although that would have been nice) but to show people how brewing could have been done back then. Based on our earlier research we decided to use hot stones this time.

Brewing at New Year’s Eve
This year we wanted to do something different. We being my best friend and I. We wanted to try out a ready made brew kit. After some research we decided on a beer brew kit by Brewferm which we ordered from Brouwland.

Historical brewing and the preHistorisch Dorp; part 1
As some of you might know I am a volunteer at the local history museum. preHistorisch Dorp Eindhoven once started as an archeological experiment, building a house based on archeological research in a probable historical way.

Board Game: Dice Brewing
I have a library full of games. This time it’s time for another bigger game: Dice Brewing.

Board Game: Six sided stout
I have a library full of games. At its height it contained almost 500 different ones, these days I brought it back to 225 games. This time it’s time for another print and play game: Six sided Stout

Brewery: Cantillon
When I visited Brussels last year it wasn’t specifically for the beery things. The main beery thing of the trip was a Gueuze brewery, namely Cantillon.

StiBON: Level 2
As soon as I heard that I passed the level 1 exams I signed up for level 2. Level 2 consists of 12 (actually 13) detailed lessons about everything you can imagine beer related, but like every course in the end you have just scratched the surface.

Malt houses
Malt. Since you are reading this blog, you probably know something about beer and its present-day main ingredients: water, yeast, hops and malt, But what’s malt?

Trumer Brewery
Additionally to the course we got a tour through the Trumer brewery in Obertrum am See by the always enthusiastic and wonderful Johanna.